The Dark Knight Trilogy, or Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, is a film franchise comprised of three films - Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises, all centring around the well-known titular DC Comics character Batman. All three films are directed and written by Christopher Nolan, who would also go on to produce Zack Snyder's DC-related films such as Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Zack Snyder's Justice League. Altogether, the films had a budget of $585 million; with the films grossing at a whopping total of $2.455 billion.
- Both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are the only instances of Christopher Nolan making a sequel to one of his films; possibly because they had potential to tell a long-term story that could span across an entire trilogy of films.
- In regards to a fourth instalment to the Dark Knight Trilogy, Christian Bale had shared in an interview with Toronto Sun in 2019 that himself and Nolan had a "one film at a time" mentality when in production of the trilogy. Bale had also shared that Nolan often mentioned that, if they were "fortunate enough to make three" they would stop - concluding the franchise in the same way as both of their visions planned since the beginning.
- Warner Bros. had approached both Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan about developing a fourth entry in the franchise, however, both had declined.
- Bale had expressed that if Nolan were to ever change his mind and decide to tell another Batman story, he'd absolutely jump on board.